Rental management system for property managers in Malaysia

Scale your property business through automating routine works

The only reliable platform to take your business to the next level by growing your revenue to a milestone.

Enhance your property business with the right investment

As an affordable Rental Management System for property managers in Malaysia, Autorentic provides the optimal solution for efficient property electronic rent collection, automated reminders, automatic report generation, revenue visualisation, tracking overdue payments, and more—all within one comprehensive platform. Discover the powerful capabilities of Autorentic in simplifying rental management Malaysia, and leverage its robust technology to enhance operational efficiencies, enabling you to allocate more time on scaling your business.

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Rental management software for property managers in Malaysia

Rental automation solutions that we provide

We have features that you need to ease your management of rental, property and tenants.

Smart rental collection

Ease your rental collection with electronic rent collection, automated invoicing, email reminders, payment record gathering, and portfolio creation, all in one platform. Simplify financial and operations management effortlessly.

Effortlessly generate reports

We compile your data automatically to generate reports easily, driving your business further. With our rent payment tracker seamlessly integrated, you no longer need to produce reports manually. Simply press one button to obtain in-depth operational data.

Protect your investments

Reduce the risk of disputes between property managers and tenants. All information
of management process will be recorded and you can simply trail back every action made within our reliable platform.

Improve Operation efficiency

Pilot via the robustness of the tool to boost profits, increase savings, and improve productivity. Our multiple user roles within the system also allow you to track every action made during operations.

How it works?

Easy Setup for All Your Properties

Include all property projects you own with detailed units and room information. Then, apply flexible room rates and associate all rented properties with existing tenant profiles for streamlined tenant management.

Set up according to invoice and penalty

Effortlessly generate bulk invoices according to your rental terms and conditions. Apply any customised external charges and penalty rate based on each of your rented properties or room.

Automated Rental Reminders and Invoices

Once all setups are created accordingly, our system will be able to automatically send out invoices monthly based on your terms. Therefore, you will not need to apply for manual work afterwards.

Sit back and receive you rental

With our rental income tracker, you'll gradually receive timely payments as tenants receive automated reminders and invoices. You can worry less about the hectic process of collecting your rent.

Observe each property performance for further investment or profit

Statistic analysis assist you to have a better visualisation on your rental revenue, overdue and flexibly adjust rental rate accordingly. All these operational data can be easily extracted as well.

How it works?

Easy process to set up all your properties ​

Include all property project’s you owned with the information of units and rooms details. On top of this, apply flexible room rate. Then, associate all your rented properties with all existing tenant's profile.

Set up according to invoice and penalty

Effortlessly generate bulk invoices according to your rental terms and conditions. Apply any customised external charges and penalty rate based on each of your rented properties or room.

Reminders and invoice will send automatically

Once all set up created accordingly, our system will be able to automatically send out invoices monthly based on your terms. Therefore, you will not need to apply manual work afterwards.

Sit back and receive you rental

You will gradually receive payments on time once tenants receive automated reminder and invoices. You can worry less about the hectic process of collecting your rent.

Observe each property performance for further investment or profit

Statistic analysis assist you to have a better visualisation on your rental revenue, overdue and flexibly adjust rental rate accordingly. All these operational data can be easily extracted as well.


Simplify transactions with our convenient payment options and transparent fees. Revolutionise your rental business without breaking the bank!


No subscription fees for the base functions



per month

  • FPX: 3.0% or RM3.00* per transaction whichever higher.

* Amount RM100.00 or below,
fixed rate RM3.00 per transaction.

Coming soon: Credit cards, E-wallet & DuitNow

For more information, read our FAQs or if you have more questions, contact us.